Friday, 27 May 2016

Day to Day Learning and Teaching

The children are learning to take responsibility for managing their learning throughout the day. In some of the classes, a maths time operates from 9.00am - 10.00am and the children manage the rest of their learning from 10.00am - 3.00pm. One class has incorporated maths learning across the day.  The children select which literacy, maths or integration learning task to complete, when, where and with who. They are responsible for prioritising their time on a daily basis so they can complete learning tasks before required deadlines. At this stage of the year, this process is significantly guided by the teacher for many children.

At times throughout the day children might be involved in:

  • Optional workshops with a teacher e.g. Learning how to organise ideas into paragraphs, learning how to write an argument, multiplication strategies workshop.
  • Small group learning with a teacher e.g. Guided reading group sessions, guided writing group sessions, maths problem-solving group sessions, spelling group session.
  • Individual conferences with a teacher e.g. Touching base in relation to a research task, providing feedback on a piece of writing, getting started with a maths problem-solving challenge.
  • Learning co-operatively in peers or small groups e.g. Completing a group research task and communicating learning, attending book club meetings.
  • Learning independently e.g. Crafting writing, silent reading, reading follow-up tasks, completing assessments, practising spelling words, practising basic facts. 
  • Whole class learning e.g. Writing motivation and modelling, maths rich task introduction.
  • Syndicate learning/activities e.g. Sports Rotations, Syndicate Singing. 
  • School events e.g. School assemblies, cross country.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Assessment for Learning in Writing

If our children are going to lead their own learning, they need to develop an understanding of themselves as learners so they can articulate their strengths and next learning steps. 

As part of writing learning in Term One, the children co-constructed the writing process and discussed the features of great writing across a range of text types. We explained to the children that we wanted to share the responsibility for assessing their writing with them by using the same writing matrix. 

Katie and Clive trialled this idea in 2015 and this year we want to use this approach across the Senior Syndicate. Our goal is for the children to use this tool to help them lead their own learning as it provides direction for future learning.  The matrix will help the children know which workshops to attend and allow them to request workshops to support them to meet their learning goals. The teachers worked with the children to support them to assess themselves on the matrix, highlighting what they had achieved and their next learning goals. The children are now starting to add their own evidence to support their assessments.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Reading and Writing Learning

Reading and writing learning in the Senior Syndicate looks and sounds different to what our children are use to. Katie explored this concept to help the children understand all of the reading and writing skills they are applying and developing when they are researching.