Student Voice Survey
We wanted to gather some student voice about the changes that we were making so we asked the children to complete a survey using Google Forms. The questions were aligned to our vision for learning and teaching. Some of the questions we asked were:
- How do you feel about coming to school? Why?
- How are decisions made in GRi11/Pot of Gold?
- What decisions do you make about your learning?
- What decisions would you like to be able to make?
- What does striving for excellence mean to you? How do you strive for excellence at school?
- In what ways do you learn with others? How does this impact on your learning?
- What are your learning strengths? What areas do you need to improve in? How do you know?
- What new digital skills have you learnt this year?
It was exciting reading the children's comments. Below is a selection of comments:
- "I feel happy because I have learnt new things and we worked together to build this learning space. I really love coming to GRi11."
- "I feel excited to come to school because I like learning/working in GRi11 because it is fun and you can do what work you want."
- "We make our own decisions. We build on others ideas and usually find the right choice in the end."
- "I think it's great because we always get a say in whatever we do and it's not just the teachers making all the decisions. We all get to vote and majority wins."
- "I learn with others all the time because every time I'm stuck or need help I know that someone will be able to help me."
- "In Pot of Gold I get to choose how I make my learning better."
- "I think that working together makes my work better because there are more ideas coming in."
- "In GRi11 we are always learning interdependently and it impacts on our learning because humans only have one brain and two brains can come up with more ideas."
- "The matrix helps me with my learning because I know what stage I am on for my learning."
- "I feel like it (the matrix) pushes me to go to the next step."
- "I really like learning in GRi11 because we have freedom in what we do and when we do it and I like that."
- "In Pot of Gold the kids and teachers make decisions together."
- "I like coming to school because we do fun and amazing things every day."
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