Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Mindcraft - Building our Learning Community in 2016

We have started 2016 with our own version of ‘Minecraft’, a computer game our children love to play!  When the children arrived at school, they noticed signs saying ‘Mindcraft’. The children completed a player profile at the start of the day.  The furniture was stacked in the classrooms and the walls were empty.  Our children are going to be fully involved in building a successful learning community in their classroom.  Children will get to know each other, be actively involved in setting up their environment for learning, and develop an understanding themselves as a learner. 

The big idea of our integrated unit in Term One is ‘Hauora’ (Well-being).  Throughout the term our children will develop an understanding of the four dimensions of Hauora (Physical, Social, Mental and Emotional, and Spiritual).  All four dimensions together make us strong, healthy, and happy.  After morning tea, the children played a game of ‘Mindcraft’. The children had to complete challenges from each dimension of Hauora. Each class was set the challenge of designing and building their learning space by incorporating the dimensions of Hauora.  By ensuring the children are part of the decision-making process, we create a learning community where our children feel a sense of belonging and ownership and establish a strong culture of learning. 

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